Fire risk assessments are at the heart of modern health and safety management. They are an important part of keeping your workers and your business safe.

The only Third Party Accredited organisation within the Channel Islands, Ignis Safety Consultants Ltd can carry out risk assessments on your behalf to PAS 79 standards for buildings of any size or complexity and make reasoned judgements on the level of risk presented.

Third Party Accredited Fire Risk Assessors

PAS 79 Standard Reports

User friendly, easy to understand documents

Separate documents to provide contractors

We support you through the whole process with face to face discussions


Fire resisting doorsets are a vital passive fire protection measure and will be found in almost all building, providing protection to escape routes and areas of high fire risk for example. They are often subject to damage due to misuse or general wear and tear and should undergo regular inspection to ensure they continue to function properly. workers and your business safe.

Ignis Safety Consultants are recognised by the FDIS (Fire Door Inspection Scheme) and have the expertise and knowledge to provide comprehensive fire door surveys and deliver detailed reports on the conditions of entire doorsets.

Fire Door Inspection Scheme Recognised

Intrusive & Non Intrusive

Comprehensive reports

Output reports on any fire hazards or risks

Approximate remediation costs


‘Fire stopping’ can be defined as the sealing of any openings to prevent fire (including smoke & heat) from passing through building compartments.

These compartments are separated by compartments walls and floors mode of a fire-resisting construction that hinders the spread of fire from one area to another.

Fire stoppings measures, when installed correctly, can contain a fire for up to four hours. This is important as you’re given plently of time to fully evacuate a building, ensuring everyone on a premises is safe & sound should a fire occur. 

A range of products that can be installed throughout a building to help with fire stopping. Some of these include:


Fire-rated Ablative Batt

Fire Resisting Sealants

Pipe Collars & Wraps

Fire Rated Pillows

Fire-rated Paint & Coatings

Ignis Safety Consultants carry out fire stopping installation compliance checking and specification guidance and can formulate a passive fire protection (fire stopping) register for inclusion in your premises Operation & Maintenance manuals or for Insurers.